№5 Essential phrasal verbs for IELTS speaking

Did you know you can use phrasal verbs in your IELTS speaking answers to get a higher score? Let's check how well you know some common phrasal verbs. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

  1. Something urgent ___ at work, so I had to cancel my plans.

  2. The success of his project ___ to how much time he puts in.

  3. She was ___ by the surprise party her friends planned for her.

  4. The event ___ to be more exciting than we expected.

  5. She needs to ___ where the meeting is being held because she doesn't know where to go.

  6. She organized a super cool party with lots of food and fun activities, but only a few people ___.

  7. They brought plenty of water with them, but it was so hot that they quickly ___ it.

  8. Emma knew breaking the rules could lead to serious trouble, but she managed to ___ just a warning from the teacher.

  9. I don't like paying with coins, but I always get them as change. So after a while, coins just start to ___ in my wallet.

  10. She missed the last bus and ___ walking home in the rain.