№1 IELTS speaking secrets
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How often are new IELTS speaking topics introduced into the test?
How many assessment criteria do IELTS examiners refer to when evaluating your speaking performance?
Is it true that on any given test day the IELTS speaking test uses the same set of topics worldwide?
Which is the next best date to take the test in 2024?
Which is the next worst date to take the test in 2025?
In the computer-based IELTS test, is it true that you communicate with a computer during the speaking section rather than with a human examiner?
Is it true that in the IELTS speaking test examiners assess various aspects of your pronunciation, including intonation?
What is the total number of IELTS speaking topics available for use on any given day?
How many parts does the IELTS speaking test include?