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Feedback within 72 hours

IELTS writing grading

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Who is this for?

This service is ideal for anyone preparing for the IELTS exam who wants feedback from an expert. If you are studying independently and need to understand how much you've improved or how close you are to your target score, this service is for you.

About the Service

The IELTS Writing Grading service evaluates your writing skills through a personalized assessment. You will submit one essay (either Task 1 or Task 2), and our expert tutors will grade it based on the official IELTS band score criteria.

How does it work?

After you submit your essay, our tutors will evaluate it and provide scores along with written feedback.

What will you learn?

You will learn your current writing level based on the IELTS criteria. You’ll receive scores for four key areas: Task Response, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammar. Additionally, you will get detailed feedback on the main issues in your essay and tips for improvement.

How much time will it take?

Once you submit your essay, you can expect to receive your graded results and feedback within 72 hours.

IELTS writing grading

IELTS writing grading

IELTS writing grading

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9.99 USD
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