Keep track of your progress in IELTS speaking

We've collected a new set of IELTS speaking topics for September 2024 - April 2025 , and therefore we've made new IELTS speaking study planners for you to keep track of your progress.

Keep track of your progress in IELTS speaking - article cover
Keep track of your progress in IELTS speaking - article cover

We've collected a new set of IELTS speaking topics for  September 2024 - April 2025, and therefore we've made new IELTS speaking study planners for you to keep track of your progress.

This IELTS speaking study planner will help you get more organized and disciplined. Using it, you will clearly see how much work has been done and how much work has to be done. This will motivate you to work harder. 

Download a study planner for September 2024 - April 2025 (click here)


  • If you are taking the IELTS in September, October, November, or December 2024, you should prepare both the topics marked ‘September 2024 - April 2025’ and those marked ‘September - December 2024’. You will also see topics marked 'it may be in use until 31 December 2024.' These topics were shared by only a few students. While we cannot completely disregard them just in case, we are not sure if these topics are currently being used in real tests. However, to be fully prepared for your speaking test, we recommend that you also prepare these topics.
  • If you are taking the IELTS in January, February, March, or April 2025, you should prepare only the topics marked ‘September 2024 - April 2025’. Additionally, keep in mind that on 1 January 2025, a new set of topics for January to April 2025 will be introduced in the test. You’ll need to prepare for those topics as well.
  • If you are taking the IELTS in May 2025 or later, focus on the other parts of the test and stay tuned for updates. We will inform you when new topics for May to December 2025 are available.



  • Download and print out a corresponding IELTS speaking study planner
  • To create a study plan, divide the total number of topics  by the remaining days before your test. Set a specific date for each topic and record it in the designated space near each topic name. 
  • Once you have completed a topic, mark the corresponding box as complete. This way, you can easily track your progress by seeing how many topics you have covered and how much work remains. 

All the IELTS speaking topics that you’ll see on the list together with questions, ideas and answers are available in the IELTS Speaking Assistant App. Download the app on our website now

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