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№11 Essential verbs for IELTS listening and reading

Did you know there are verbs that you will find in every reading passage and hear in every recording? Test your knowledge of these essential verbs now, as they will lead you to the correct answer.

№3 BAND 9 vocabulary for IELTS writing

Want to get Band 8 or 9 for Lexical Resource in IELTS writing? Let's find out if you know these uncommon words.

№13 Band 7+ grammar for IELTS

You think grammar is your strength? Let's check if you can get 10/10.

№ 5 Band 6 grammar for IELTS

So, your target is Band 6 in IELTS speaking and writing. Let’s find out whether you can use Band 6 grammatical structures correctly.

№4 Band 7 grammar for IELTS

Dreaming of Band 7 in IELTS speaking and writing? Let’s find out whether you can use Band 7 grammatical structures correctly

IELTS tips and secrets quiz

Want to skip the theory and jump straight into practice? But for better practice and improvement, it's important to understand the test first. Take our quiz to see if you're ready to start practicing.

№1 IELTS speaking secrets

Want to skip theory and jump straight into practice? Do our quick quiz to find out whether you are ready to move to IELTS speaking practice.

№14 IELTS listening spelling quiz

Did you know that the majority of answers in the IELTS listening exam consist of commonly misspelled and confused words? Test yourself now to find out if you know the correct spelling of these tricky words.

№12 IELTS listening spelling quiz

Did you know that the majority of answers in the IELTS listening exam consist of commonly misspelled and confused words? Test yourself now to find out if you know the correct spelling of these tricky words.

№5 Essential phrasal verbs for IELTS speaking

Did you know you can use phrasal verbs in your IELTS speaking answers to get a higher score? Let's check how well you know some common phrasal verbs. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

№4 Must-Know Phrasal Verbs for IELTS Speaking

Want a higher IELTS speaking score? Using phrasal verbs can boost your band! Let’s see if you know them all.

№3 Phrasal Verbs for IELTS Speaking

Did you know you should use phrasal verbs in your IELTS speaking answers if you want to get a higher band score for Lexical Resource? Let's test your knowledge of the most frequently used phrasal verbs now. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

№2 Phrasal Verbs

Did you know you should use phrasal verbs in your IELTS speaking answers if you want to get a higher band score for Lexical Resource? Let's test your knowledge of the most frequently used phrasal verbs now. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

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№11 Essential verbs for IELTS listening and reading

Did you know there are verbs that you will find in every reading passage and hear in every recording? Test your knowledge of these essential verbs now, as they will lead you to the correct answer.

№3 BAND 9 vocabulary for IELTS writing

Want to get Band 8 or 9 for Lexical Resource in IELTS writing? Let's find out if you know these uncommon words.

№13 Band 7+ grammar for IELTS

You think grammar is your strength? Let's check if you can get 10/10.

№ 5 Band 6 grammar for IELTS

So, your target is Band 6 in IELTS speaking and writing. Let’s find out whether you can use Band 6 grammatical structures correctly.

№4 Band 7 grammar for IELTS

Dreaming of Band 7 in IELTS speaking and writing? Let’s find out whether you can use Band 7 grammatical structures correctly

IELTS tips and secrets quiz

Want to skip the theory and jump straight into practice? But for better practice and improvement, it's important to understand the test first. Take our quiz to see if you're ready to start practicing.

№1 IELTS speaking secrets

Want to skip theory and jump straight into practice? Do our quick quiz to find out whether you are ready to move to IELTS speaking practice.

№14 IELTS listening spelling quiz

Did you know that the majority of answers in the IELTS listening exam consist of commonly misspelled and confused words? Test yourself now to find out if you know the correct spelling of these tricky words.

№12 IELTS listening spelling quiz

Did you know that the majority of answers in the IELTS listening exam consist of commonly misspelled and confused words? Test yourself now to find out if you know the correct spelling of these tricky words.

№5 Essential phrasal verbs for IELTS speaking

Did you know you can use phrasal verbs in your IELTS speaking answers to get a higher score? Let's check how well you know some common phrasal verbs. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

№4 Must-Know Phrasal Verbs for IELTS Speaking

Want a higher IELTS speaking score? Using phrasal verbs can boost your band! Let’s see if you know them all.

№3 Phrasal Verbs for IELTS Speaking

Did you know you should use phrasal verbs in your IELTS speaking answers if you want to get a higher band score for Lexical Resource? Let's test your knowledge of the most frequently used phrasal verbs now. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

№2 Phrasal Verbs

Did you know you should use phrasal verbs in your IELTS speaking answers if you want to get a higher band score for Lexical Resource? Let's test your knowledge of the most frequently used phrasal verbs now. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

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You will find the "VOCABULARY" section in each question. Here you will find great topical vocabulary and phrases which you need when discussing specific topics or subjects (such as sports, time, weather or computers). For example, when speaking about sleep, you will definitely need to use such phrases as a good night’s sleep, insomnia, wide awake, to fall asleep, to wake up, an early bird, a night owl, sleeping pills, to sleep through something, etc.



This section will give you a rich collection of ideas which you can use to make relevant and extended answers. When we create our lists of ideas, we always take into account the fact that different people will have different answers depending on their likes and dislikes, habits, cultural differences, and other factors. For example, "Is it necessary to take a nap every day?" There are a number of ideas for those who want to say "yes" such as "it restores alertness". And there many ideas you can use if you don"t think that it"s necessary. For instance, you may say that "it worsens insomnia" or "it might interfere with the night sleep".



Use the "ANSWERS" section in each question to know how to make cool answers using our ideas and see what grammatical structures to use to get a high band score. For your convenience, we underline the sentences which contain the ideas from the "IDEAS" section. All the answers are written by experienced IELTS tutors and ex-examiners

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